31 research outputs found

    Spotting The Elusive Prospect Customer: Exploratory Study Of A Web-Powered Customer Relationship Management Framework

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    Research on how Web-Mining (WM) optimizes marketing, is sparse. Especially absent, is research on WM usefulness for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The purpose of this research, is to propose a Web Mining-enabled knowledge acquisition framework for analytical CRM. An exploratory study consisting of eleven in-depth interviews with marketing scholars and practitioners revealed that, WM methods and techniques - currently available to practitioners - are well-suited for identifying the profile of web prospects according to their browsing behaviour and to classify them into homogeneous groups. Besides, the nascent technologies regarding opinion mining, sentiment analysis or natural language parsing, and which underlie WM, seem sufficient to acquire knowledge pertaining to attitudinal and other more psychometrically-based characteristics about web prospects. Such tools enable to better understand the so-often termed elusive prospects, by crafting fine-grained online marketing strategies to acquire those would-be customers. The authors discuss the managerial implications that derive from these findings

    Influence Of Corporate Social Responsibility As Perceived By Salespeople On Their Ethical Behaviour, Attitudes And Their Turnover Intentions

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    The ethical behavior of salespeople has become a tremendous challenge in the business world. While a great majority of big companies communicate about their Corporate Social Responsibility, this study shows for the first time that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has no influence upon the ethical behavior of salespeople. However, it demonstrates that a reputation associated with CSR can be a precious management tool that can be used to act upon salespeople’s satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions. More specifically, CSR policies, as perceived by salespeople, increase their satisfaction level which, in turn, decreases their turnover intention. Likewise, CSR policies, as perceived by salespeople, increase their organizational commitment, which, in turn, contributes to decrease their turnover intention. In addition, this study provides avenues to explore regarding the tools influencing the ethical behavior of salespeople. The answers of 197 salespeople were collected using an innovative recruitment method with high potentialities - social networks

    L’être humain et la machine – l’avenir numérique

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    Bei der Entwicklung digitaler Lösungen gilt es den Menschen und seine Bedürfnisse ins Zentrum zu stellen.Lors du développement de solutions numériques, il est essentiel de placer l’être humain et ses besoins au centre

    Tourisme et loisirs

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